Adebayo M. Shittu is a Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. He is currently the Deputy Dean of the Postgraduate School and a Member of Senate of the University. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. Has very deep background and extensive experience in Econometrics & Statistical Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Impact Assessment and Food Policy Analysis, leading to publications of over 40 journal articles in reputable journals. He has also served as consultants on impact evaluation of a number of development projects in Nigeria including the Commercial Agriculture Development Project (CADP) and National Fadama Development Project (NFDP). He is currently a consultant to Lagos State Fadama coordination office in the conduct of End-line Impact Assessment of the NFDP in Lagos State.

Dr. Mark Tutu Sarpong is the Director of MAG-M Limited, Kasoa Ghana. He holds a Ph.D. in Crop Science with a specialization in Plant Pathology. He is an experienced GLOBALG.A.P. Registered Trainer and COLEACP expert/consultant. He provides training on food safety management and consultancy services to farmer-based organizations and other organizations in Africa on several aspects of the horticultural food value chain. His areas of expertise include trainer of trainers, conducting a needs assessment, quality assurance, post-harvest handling of fresh commodities, food safety, good agricultural practices, and crop protection.

Our project team includes advisory experts in food safety, GLOBALGAP certification, FSSC 22000 implementation, econometrics & statistical analysis, cost-benefit analysis, impact assessment, and food policy analysis.